She orders Tyrone to stop anyone who tries to get into Dare-Dairy Farm and heads in. The Lady in Pink overhears this and quickly rushes to her snowmobile. He is told to visit Dare-Dairy Farm to receive the second container.

In Switzerland, Secret meets Austin again and orders a hotdog, which is another message from his boss. and is instructed to visit a cafe in the mountains of Switzerland. Before Pink and Tyrone can steal it back, Secret jumps in his car, which transforms into a helicopter. At the end of the song, Agent Secret takes the container back. The three sing the first part of " Good and Bad Don't Mix". After Secret retrieves the container, the Lady in Pink and Henchman Tyrone steal it. He realizes that the only way to activate the door containing the first container is to dance on an electronic mat, following the moves on a screen. Secret gets to the glass building first, and uses his hat (which doubles as a laser pointer) to enter the building. Pink, who had been listening the entire time, decides to head out to the glass building as well. She tells him that the first container is hidden inside the glass building. Secret orders a banana split, which turns out to be a PDA from Miss T. Secret yells, "Hey! You're my secret contact!" Austin quickly covers his mouth. Inside the pub, Secret is waiting to order. She and Tyrone sing " Lady in Pink" as they discuss their plans.

Meanwhile, the Lady in Pink explains the situation to her henchman inside Big Ben. However, Secret accepts the job and heads to a pub in London to receive information from his secret contact, Austin. tells Secret that the journey will be his most life-risking quest yet. She explains how no one knows what is in the containers, but they are probably extremely dangerous. In the headquarters, Secret's boss, Miss T., tells him he needs to retrieve three containers. The Lady in Pink, the most evil mastermind in the world, is spying on Secret. Pablo sings " International Super Spy" and then heads to Spy Headquarters. He explains that he likes his juice boxes shaken. He introduces himself as "Agent Secret", a well-respected secret agent. Pablo is seen sitting on the picnic table, holding an apple juice box. "Expect the unexpected in this double-length, jazz-filled, worldwide spy mission as Agent Secret (Pablo)-with his Secret Contact, Austin, and boss, Miss T-sets out to foil the villainous Lady in Pink (Uniqua) and Henchman Tyrone's 'recipe for disaster.'" Plot