I actually set out really not to make the book so much as my memory of the book because I realized in reading the book as an adult that it was kind of like the house that you grew up in, much smaller than I remembered. When asked by Dark Horizons whether it was important to him to remain faithful to the book in his adaptation, he answered, “Yes and no. The film’s eventual director, Andrew Adamson, had vivid memories of reading the books as a child, and it was that part of the experience that he wanted to capture with the film. ANDREW ADAMSON’S GOAL WAS TO PAY TRIBUTE TO ONE’S MEMORY OF THE BOOK. Night Shyamalan was also approached about directing the original film in the series. One other thing del Toro took issue with? “I also said I didn't want Father Christmas on my call sheet. “What is the worth of that sacrifice if he knows he's coming back? I really enjoy the uncertainty of a guy or a creature going to die for something without knowing if there's anyone to bail him out.” “Believe it or not, I was the first filmmaker they approached and I said I didn't want the f*cking lion to be resurrected,” del Toro told The Guardian. When it came to choosing a director for the film, Walden Media went straight to Guillermo del Toro, who was interested-but had one major problem with the story: he didn’t want to see Aslan (a.ka. GUILLERMO DEL TORO WAS THE STUDIO’S FIRST CHOICE TO DIRECT THE FILM. Strangely, Tolkien didn’t seem to be a fan of Lewis’ series, once commenting (though rather ambiguously) that, “It is sad that Narnia and all that part of C.S.L.'s work should remain outside the range of my sympathy, as much of my work was outside his.” 3. Tolkien were both members of The Inklings, a group of writers and academics at Oxford University who would gather together on a weekly basis to discuss each other’s work. In addition to being close friends, Lewis and J.R.R. Over the years, many people have noticed similarities between the both themes and elements of The Chronicles of Narnia and The Lord of the Rings series-and with good reason. COMPARISONS TO THE LORD OF THE RINGS TRILOGY ARE INEVITABLE, AND WARRANTED. But I know he hated the idea of someone making a Mickey Mouse version of Narnia.” 2.

But I’m doing my best to protect Jack’s works in this time when I’m alive and to do as much as I can to prepare for the time when the copyrights run out on them and people can do whatever they want. The fact that someone comes in and paints it bright purple or something is no longer you’re problem. And what happens after I’m gone is not really my responsibility either. “I think he felt responsible for what happened during his own lifetime. “I don’t think Jack was too worried about what would happen after his life,” Gresham told CBN. And after seeing what could be accomplished with CGI, Douglas Gresham-Lewis’ stepson and literary executor-agreed to sell the film rights Walden Media. I wish the idiots who run the film world realize that there are stories are for the ear alone.” The author did, however, include the film rights as part of his estate. Humanized beasts can't be presented to the eye without at once becoming either hideous or ridiculous. In response to a letter asking if he could adapt the books for television, Lewis responded that, “They'd be no good on TV. And he famously told an inquisitive little kid so in 1957. Lewis had no desire to see The Chronicles of Narnia books adapted for film or television. Given the series’ many fantastical elements, C. LEWIS DIDN’T WANT TO SEE THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA ADAPTED FOR THE SCREEN. Here are 11 magical facts about the hit film. Lewis’ beloved The Chronicles of Narnia series-and somewhat against the late author’s wishes (more on that later)-writer-director Andrew Adamson brought the fantastical tales of the Pevensie kids’ adventures in the land of Narnia to life in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

Fifty-five years after the publication of the first book in C.